Research Article
The effect of implementing technology in formative assessments to ensure student learning in higher education English literature courses after COVID-19
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1 Middle East University, Amman, JORDAN* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 13(2), April 2023, e202320,
Published Online: 08 March 2023, Published: 01 April 2023
OPEN ACCESS 1460 Views 1507 Downloads
This study aims to show how formative assessment that is assisted by technology can improve student learning in English literature courses in higher education. Moreover, it explores how the use of technology could help implement formative assessment by the instructors to assure student learning in English literature courses in an efficient and timely manner. Formative assessment is somewhat new for higher education instructors, especially those who teach English literature. Applying this type of assessment is, unfortunately, not easy and the results are not always ideal. Nevertheless, to reach the goals of the study, a quantitative method is distributed to 50 English literature instructors from higher educational institutions that recently started implementing technology in their formative assessments. The significance of the study lies in the fact that the study is conducted in a region where formative assessment has recently been used in education, specifically in higher education English literature courses. The contribution also lies in how technology can help implement formative assessment, overcome any obstacles, and thus ensure student learning. The findings of the study show significant awareness of formative assessment in higher education, and especially among instructors of English literature. The findings also indicate that implementing technology with formative assessments enhances students’ learning in English literature course in higher education after COVID-19.
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