Research Article
New Media Communication Strategies for Election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties
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1 Anna University, India* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(3), July 2014, 124-142,
OPEN ACCESS 1837 Views 2754 Downloads
Politics and Mass Communication have been an unbreakable duo for many centuries. Public meetings, Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Television are themajor communication tools. With the advent of new media technologies, the political campaign has gained a new dimension. During the last elections Indian political parties used Websites, E-mails, IVRS, SMSs, InternetBanners, Online Advertising, Blogs, Mobile Phones, etc. This study has aimed to assess the effectiveness of new media political campaigns during the elections. Content analysis, Survey and In-depth Interview methods were used in the study. The study has revealed surprising facts. Every largepolitical party has tried to use all the available new media tools. Television,Mobile phone and Internet have played a great role. The utilization of new media communication tools and strategies gave a new facet that was highly beneficial to the Indian politics. The political parties have reached a large number of voters through the new media. It made their election campaign easy, fast and successful.
Arulchelvan, S. (2014). New Media Communication Strategies for Election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(3), 124-142.