Research Article
Motivational Effect of Communication Technologies in Connectivist Science Education
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1 Masaryk University, Czech Republic* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(3), July 2015, 107-119,
OPEN ACCESS 1888 Views 1377 Downloads
The paper presents our long-term research results of the motivational effect of communication technologies on connectivist technology in science education. Motivation of students is an essential prerequisite for effective science education. Fast development in communication technologies strongly influences science education. The pedagogical theory of connectivism founded by Siemens was born as a response to the rapid development of information and communication technologies. Thus a need occurred to examine these connectivist influences on science and technology education. This study presents a research which focused on identification of motivational connectivist factors and determination of their influence on science education. We implement our motivational connectivist educational methods and tools into science teaching/learning and teachers training. We created collaborative action research based on ICT as a new motivational connectivist teaching/learning method. The main research method used in this study is design-based research. Practical examples are given.
Trnova, E., & Trna, J. (2015). Motivational Effect of Communication Technologies in Connectivist Science Education. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(3), 107-119.
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