Research Article

Information Graphics Design Challenges and Workflow Management

Marco Giardina 1 *, Pablo Medina 2
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1 University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland2 Sensiel Research, Switzerland* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3(1), January 2013, 108-124,
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Infographics, though still in its infancy in the digital world, may offer an opportunity for media companies to enhance their business processes and value creation activities. This paper describes research about the influence of infographics production and dissemination on media companies’ workflow management. Drawing on infographics examples from New York Times print and online version, this contribution empirically explores the evolution from static to interactive multimedia infographics, the possibilities and design challenges of this journalistic emerging field and its impact on media companies’ activities in relation to technology changes and media-use patterns. Findings highlight some explorative ideas about the required workflow and journalism activities for a successful inception of infographics into online news dissemination practices of media companies. Conclusions suggest that delivering infographics represents a yet not fully tapped opportunity for media companies, but its successful inception on news production routines requires skilled professionals in audiovisual journalism and revised business models.


Giardina, M., & Medina, P. (2013). Information Graphics Design Challenges and Workflow Management. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3(1), 108-124.


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