Research Article
Generations X, Y, Z and their Perception of E-Government Services: Case of Turkey
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1 Istanbul Sehir University, TURKEY2 Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, TURKEY* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(1), January 2020, e202002,
OPEN ACCESS 2274 Views 1643 Downloads
Technological developments have transformed the forms of communication that can have a major impact on the social structure. All these technological developments cause fundamental changes in the way of life of the individuals and there are serious changes in both the ways of interpreting life and personality structures. The primary aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of online government services amongst different generations. The research of this study was carried out on the perception of e-government services with a questionnaire applied to the X, Y, Z generations to measure the similarities and differences in their understanding of these services. As a result of the research, individual typologies formed by the digital use of governmental services, which are called pre-techno individuals, techno individuals and post-techno individuals and the characteristics of these generations in terms of e-government services usage are revealed.
Ersoz, S., & Demir Askeroğlu, E. (2020). Generations X, Y, Z and their Perception of E-Government Services: Case of Turkey. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(1), e202002.
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