Research Article
From Analog to Digital Radio Management: The New Radio and New Media
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1 İstanbul Aydın Universitesi, Turkiye* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(4), October 2014, 58-75,
OPEN ACCESS 2848 Views 1026 Downloads
The new technologic developments have changed traditional media in different ways. New media which has been created by the new technologic developments has created new forms of distribution. Radio is one of the media which has been affected by new media. This article expresses how the radio industry and radio management have been effected by the technological changes and how new media has effected them. The study in the first part gives a literature explanation of new media and radio management history. In the second part it examines how the demand of the audience has increased in new media and how the traditional radio listening habits have decreased. The data collection method has been supplied from the official surveys done in the last ten years for the radio listening trends. At the end of the study there is a determination of how new media has affected the traditional radio medium and gives brief information of the new forms of distribution of radio with new media.
Kuyucu, M. (2014). From Analog to Digital Radio Management: The New Radio and New Media. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(4), 58-75.