Research Article
Digital Communication Activities of Corporations in the Context of Corporate Communication and Governance
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1 Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey2 Istanbul University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(2), April 2015, 61-77,
OPEN ACCESS 1541 Views 939 Downloads
Internet enables both public institutes and private sector to reach their target masses fast and effectively. Each company which aims at institutionalization wants to benefit from internet which removes geographical boundaries and provides the possibility of access to social partners without time limitation. Websites which are simple, user-friendly, professionally prepared and on which continuality in the use is provided plays a significant role in not only in short term but also long term social partner relations. Governance, removing the existing hierarchical structure in the administration, adopts an understanding based on mutual communication. For this reason, internet and especially websites are important instruments which can be used with the purpose of governance. In the study, governance applications on the websites are tried to be analyzed. To that end, in the context of communication with the social partners, the components belonging to governance applications on websites were specified as accountability and participation and these two component were divided into eight sub-element. According to the data from Istanbul Sanayi Odası [Istanbul Chamber of Industry], when the websites of the biggest 100 industrial enterprise were analyzed, it was seen that websites were usually used for promotion and they rarely give place to the applications which will provide social partner communication.
Camdereli, M., & Onay-Dogan, B. (2015). Digital Communication Activities of Corporations in the Context of Corporate Communication and Governance. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(2), 61-77.