Research Article

Child Media In Terms Of Child and Parent

Sanem Bengü Uygunkan 1 *
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1 Anadolu University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(December 2016 - Special Issue), 2016, 1-14,
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Child is the little citizen who is accepted under age (Yörükoğlu, 2007, s.13). According to Greenberg, many children are the audience who cannot differentiate between whether the programs they watch are suitable for them or not (Ertürk, Gül, 2006,s.24). 20th century called the Children Century changed the fate of children by scientific findings and technological developments. Therefore, the relation between media and the children along with the responsibilities of parents have changed. Because the mass media is a part of life, it is one of the important factors binding the common communication areas of children as with adults’. Children not only have nutritional and sleeping needs but also they have intellectual needs (Dadson, 1990, s.36-38). The emergence of digital broadcasting and the appearance of TV channels aimed at various hobbies and tastes paved the way for some TV channels to broadcast towards children ( and babyhood period ). In these channels, norms, judgements gender roles and models according to the culture of society are usually repeated. Popular cultural products for consumption do not take into account the personal differences but they target common people. In this respect, as knowing the child well is crucial, a main responsibility faces the parents.


Uygunkan, S. B. (2016). Child Media In Terms Of Child and Parent. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(December 2016 - Special Issue), 1-14.


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