Research Article

An Investigation of Cyberloafing in a Large-Scale Technology Organization From the Perspective of the Theory of Interpersonal Behavior

Kemal Elciyar 1, Ali Simsek 1 *
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1 Anadolu University, TURKEY* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 11(2), April 2021, e202106,
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Employees in many organizations often spend time with information and communication technologies and engage in personal business instead of spending their time fully on work-related tasks. For some, such activities constitute inefficient use of time because they prevent employees from completing the tasks that they are responsible. For some others, cyberloafing behaviors help employees to reduce their stress and increase their efficiency. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of some organizational and individual variables with cyberloafing in the context of Interpersonal Behavior Theory. This mixed research study was designed with an explanatory approach. Quantitative data was collected from 240 employees; then by considering the quantitative data, interview questions were prepared and the qualitative data collection process was completed with 20 participants. According to the results; the perceptions of employees about the penalties and benefits that may emerge in case of cyberloafing affect their attitudes towards cyberloafing positively. Positive emotions for cyberloafing and social factors have a positive effect on cyberloafing intention. Social factors have a positive relationship with roles, rules and self-concept. Habits and intention increase employees’ cyberloafing behaviors. The most frequent cyberloafing behaviors are messaging and reading news. The implications of the results are discussed.


Elciyar, K., & Simsek, A. (2021). An Investigation of Cyberloafing in a Large-Scale Technology Organization From the Perspective of the Theory of Interpersonal Behavior. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 11(2), e202106.


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